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Exercise in the Sitka Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Osteoporosis

Physical activity benefits everyone. Period. For those who experience some health conditions like osteoporosis, physical activity makes even more sense to counteract its impact on daily life. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka sees osteoporotic patients who worry fearfully that they may hurt themselves if they exercise or do too much. Our Sitka chiropractic patients who deal with osteoporosis are encouraged to be physically active to reduce that fear and improve their quality of life.


Quality of life is crucial! Post-menopausal women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures who participated in a 1 hour group exercise session twice a week for 6 months displayed significant improvement in functional capacity measures – indicating that they were able to function and move around better - and a reduced risk and fear of falls. (1) That is a big deal! The occurrence of osteoporotic fractures is greater than 40% which often result in decreased quality of life, enhanced risk of mortality after the fracture, higher economic burden, depression, loss of independence as well as pain. (2) It’s no wonder that our Sitka osteoporotic patients worry about falls! Falling is risky due to the possible damage it can do to bones and the rest of the body which is particularly not good for an person with osteoporosis and weakened bones! And fear of falling prevents one from fully enjoying life. Exercising or doing physical activities that you can safely perform is key!


Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is very sensitive to the fact that not every patient complies with on our exercise recommendation. No shame or guilt from us! That’s how we humans are! We would like to see our Sitka osteoporosis patients increase their activity level in some way as we are sure it will have a positive effect. In a review of 20 published studies (1824 patients), exercise significantly improved lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral density and eased pain for primary osteoporosis patients. (3) Another study that is underway is testing how a 24-weeks-of-a-individualized exercise routine of aerobic and strength training exercises might expectantly positively impact muscle strength, balance, and bone mineral density as well as pain. (4) Together, Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka and you will find the right mix of activities to raise your desire to participate in some physical activity exercise!

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Osteoporotic patients must know that physical activity and exercise helps them physically and mentally, enhancing their quality of life. Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Kevin Moriarty on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he details treatment of a compression fracture of bone following The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management. Then, schedule your Sitka chiropractic appointment soon! We are privileged to be your healthcare partner as you handle osteoporosis.

beneficial Sitka exercise for osteoporosis 
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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."