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Your Sitka Chiropractor Makes Sense of Back Pain Care

Back pain. Hospital. Not always a desired combination. Just ask any back pain sufferer and his or her family who have gone down this road. Let’s take a look at what happens when back pain flares and you, the Sitka back pain sufferer, and your loved one(s) just want it to end. You go to the hospital for help, and you just get more confused and keep hurting. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka has heard a lot of these stories! And we’re always ready to step in and make this Sitka back pain journey as short as possible and as understandable as possible. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka knows that what the back pain sufferer understands about back pain helps in the long run. And Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka knows that just saying you have acute or chronic low back pain is too simplistic. (1) Yet, low back pain can be understood when it’s investigated and explained well like it is at Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka.

Understanding is key. Hospitals are confounding places for back pain sufferers (2) and spine care centers aren’t much better (3). The hospital system of people and tests are not clearly related. (2) The spine center informational brochures are written in too complicated a manner to be of much help. (3) Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is your one-stop place for back pain information, care and relief. More on that later…

But let’s look more at hospital care for back pain. When back pain first sets in, it’s called “acute” low back pain. This phase lasts up to 4 to 6 weeks. It’s in this phase of back pain that the Sitka back pain sufferer seeks help. Going to the hospital when the pain gets really intense and has been for days seems like a natural next step. But what happens when you go to the hospital with low back pain? You’re in so much severe pain and with such disability that you have a hard time describing your back pain experience. Then, you have to talk and interact with so many different people – doctors, nurses, insurance personnel, healthcare workers – who want to help but just don’t seem to make you feel better.  You expect someone to just tell you why you hurt and what the underlying causes is which with back pain often isn’t immediately known. You want relief to return to life. Researchers recommend that the hospital develop an easy-to-understand guide for patients to understand the hospital team’s goals and routines and how to interact with all of these people. (2)

Now, chiropractors like your Sitka chiropractor at Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka make it easier. Our Sitka chiropractic practice is streamlined to manage back pain. Our examination is thorough. The diagnostic tests are specific. The review of the imaging you may already have is reviewed and considered. The protocols are clearly defined, well-researched and documented. The treatment plan of this non-surgical care is well-guided by the 50% Rule. You will know what to expect. You will understand the goal of care. You will understand your spinal condition. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka makes sense of it all.

And as a bonus, chiropractic keeps the cost down. Charges overall for both uncomplicated and complicated low back pain are lower for chiropractic patients. (4) Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka knows that our Sitka chiropractic patients appreciate this!

Lastly, your understanding of your spinal condition plays a huge role in how you create treatment expectations. The more you, the Sitka low back pain patient, know, the more realistic your  expectations. (5) Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka wants our Sitka chiropractic patients to know what to expect and to understand their spine condition and its care. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka has many modes to explain the condition: images, information booklets, online explanations, one-on-one Q&A with our well-trained Sitka chiropractic physician. Let’s be sure you understand your condition!

Contact Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka. Set up your Sitka chiropractic appointment. Listen, question, and trust your Sitka chiropractor’s experience and guidance. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is here to help.

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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."