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No Adverse Effects for FBSS Patients to Cox Technic, Just Pain Relief

No adverse effects?!

Where in medicine can you hear these words? Does't it seem the disclaimer for TV prescription commercials is growing all the time? Has your friend or relative come out of a surgery – back surgery or other – without any new issues? As a matter of fact, a new report states that new neurologic deficits are inherent potential complications of spine surgery even among skilled spinal deformity surgeons. (1) Taking a non-surgical approach to back pain relief with no adverse effects like Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka offers sounds appealing, huh?

All healthcare providers, including Sitka’s Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka, aim to limit side-effects and provide relief, but it's not always documented as possible.happy woman with no adverse effects to chiropractic treatment

But it's documented for chiropractic Cox Technic: No adverse effects are reported in patients who were treated for their continued lower back pain after they underwent back surgery to resolve it. (2) Amazing!
Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka chose to specially train in this technique and offer it as part of our chiropractic services for just this reason. Our Sitka patients are glad we did!

chiropractic Cox Technic relieves pain due to a failed back surgical syndrome (FBSS) in an average of 14 visits. Patients noted...

  • 40% improvement in pain if they had just a single type of surgical procedure and
  • 57% improvement if they had combined surgical approaches like fusion with a laminectomy. (2)

But, best of all, there were no adverse side-effects reported!

Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is the Sitka back pain professional to see. Our chiropractic services include spinal manipulation to get you back to your life without debilitating pain after surgery - and even before surgery!

Pre- or post-surgery, Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka implements spinal manipulation for back pain relief. Spinal manipulation is endorsed in the treatment guidelines for low back pain management by the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. (3) They even report that spinal manipulation appears cost effective, too, in patients with sub-acute or chronic low back pain! (3) That’s a bonus!

Cox Technic spinal manipulation has research-based protocols. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka always carefully tolerance-tests before any treatment is given. Give us a month to get you 50% better with our non-surgical care. (Many of our Sitka patients have found their 50% relief in merely a visit or a few visits and in less than a month.) We’ll then give you some at-home care tools to control the pain, so it doesn’t control you.

Read these papers about spinal manipulation and Cox Technic, then contact Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka for chiropractic care and back pain relief with documented no adverse effects!

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