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July 2020 Healthy News from Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka: Manipulation Effective for Pain after Back Surgery; B Vitamins for Inflammation and Osteoporosis

Sitka chiropractic spinal manipulation helps post-surgical continued back pain patients discover relief of their pain despite fusion.  


A spinal fusion surgery is a considerable surgical option, one often quite welcomed by Sitka back pain sufferers wanting pain relief. For paitents whose pain persists despite the back surgery with lumbar fusion, hope still exists with chiropractic care. Two new research papers presented the apparent choice of distraction manipulation for the resurgent, post-surgical continued back pain following lumbar fusion back surgery. One article surveyed Veterans’ Administration chiropractors who cared for these patients. Many offered healthy lifestyle advice, pain education, exercise, stretching and soft tissue therapy. When it came to manipulation, these chiropractors reported incorporating spinal mobilization and flexion distraction manipulation on an “always” or “frequent” basis. 93.5% of patients attained maximum treatment benefit in 12 or less chiropractic treatments. (1) One 42-year-old post-lumbar fusion patient treated with 12 sessions of spinal manipulation and exercise was asymptomatic, showed an 89% improvement in disability, and stable at 3 months. (2) And a third paper reported that, though diversified manipulation was performed for most back pain conditions, flexion distraction was delivered notably for treatment of lumbar disc syndrome with radiculopathy and lumbar stenosis. (3) Cox® Technic flexion distraction spinal manipulation continues to be chosen for back pain conditions like post-spinal-fusion-surgery that need a more gentle and effective treatment approach. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka chooses to utilize it for relief of Sitka back pain.

Listen to this PODCAST with chiropractic back pain specialist, Dr. Michael Johnson on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he presents two cases of post-surgical back pain patients helped with the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.

Sitka chiropractic care of osteoporosis usually comes with nutritional tips like b vitamins for inflammation reduction and for prevention. 


So many issues come into play with osteoporosis and its prevention. Current research points out a significant association among homocysteine, bone mineral density (BMD) and inflammation in women with osteoporosis who are postmenopausal. Low BMD was accompanied by lower levels of B12, vitamin D, bone formation markers, and folate. Higher levels of homocysteine, inflammation, bone resorption markers, and presence of C677T polymorphism were related to low BMD. Homocysteine production is a risk factor for inflammatory disease. It is regulated by methylenetratrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) activity with vitamin B12 and folate as causal factors. (4) With this in mind, we can discuss these levels and their adjustment if needed.

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Arrange your next Sitka chiropractic appointment now with Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka. Whether back pain after lumbar fusion surgery or osteoporosis or inflammation afflict you, Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is your healthcare partner to help!

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."